Sprites and Dice Podcast #3:
Unboxing The Holidays

Lootboxes Galore, For Better Or Worse!

Dec 16, 2017
lootboxes article

The holiday season is here, and with more than enough great games to keep us busy on those cold winter nights.

December has a special place in many hearts: it can herald snow, presents, and time off of work and school. A few weeks where you can relax, before the next year begins. For gamers though, this special time usually means that it is time to pull out your favorite games and marathon them. With much of the world slowing down to reflect on the various holidays that happen this month, this is the moment to try and beat all of a Final Fantasy in a week, or to pull out that giant copy of Twilight Imperium.

On this podcast, we take some time to talk about our favorite holiday traditions, as well as leave a few tips for games you should be looking for as the holiday season starts to wrap up. We also take some time to talk about Otto's article on the great lootbox debate that seems to have taken over everywhere in 2017; are lootboxes automatically a bad thing? Have they gone too far? We would love to hear your opinions as well as ours.

We hope you enjoy this podcast, and we hope you enjoy it while getting ready to unwrap your newest favorite game. Happy Holidays!

Sprites and Dice Podcast

#3: Unboxing The Holidays


Wyatt Krause

Editor-in-chief, Co-founder