Steam Summer Sale Games For Under $5

30 Amazing Big Name And Indie Games To Get From The 2024 Bargain Bin

Jul 07, 2024
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I’m recently trying my best to try and limit my purchases of new games. I have a huge backlog, inflation is real, and I have diapers to pay for. However, steam sales still hold a bit of mythical allure, pulling me in like a black hole. I can’t just let a dramatic sale like this go by without buying SOMETHING.

Instead of resisting entirely, I find myself browsing the discounted lists; those wonderful tags that say under $5 or under $10 dollars. You can sometimes find classics from years ago suddenly incredibly affordable, or use the sale as an excuse to try something entirely new for yourself. I noticed this year a lot of big names in gaming were heavily discounted, and while scrolling the under $5 section, found myself making a list of old favorites.

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Trust me, I wish I could include certain games like Subnautica... but it's $9.89. I had to draw the line somewhere!

Without further ado, here is a small list of game suggestions you might enjoy for under $5. Please note that I’ve separated out the list into two major sections: one for big name titles, and one for indie games I sometimes feel get overlooked.

Part One: The Big Name Titles You’ve Always Meant To Try

While these categories aren’t going to be perfect, this first section is going to be a lot of games that are considered classics or very, very good by people who love that particular genre. It ranges the gamut from first person shooters to heavy strategy games, but the games listed here have been praised wildly or helped shape games in their category for years to come.

Please note, I tried very hard to keep all games under $5 for the base price, and then note when expansions and the like will take it over the cost… especially when the expansions are also a great deal. However, for me to include it on this list, I had to make a judgment call about the base game being worth it without any included DLC before adding it here.

Frostpunk - Surviving Endless Winter, With Or Without Child Labor. $2.99.

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I’ve always loved the idea of city builders, but could never really dig my teeth into them. I think it was because I like having an end goal, a final objective, a campaign to complete and check off. Frostpunk was a breath of fresh, icy air to me and many others because it delivered this exact thing. Made from the same team behind This War of Mine, the developers weren’t afraid of getting into the drama of trying to build perhaps the last city on earth as it freezes over.

It’s an absolute steal at $2.99, and its expansions all try to change up the formula in the original game, with The Last Autumn DLC almost being its own standalone title. If you buy everything at once it’s $10.65, but absolutely worth it if you enjoy the concept and find yourself loving the original game.

Civilization 6 - For When You Just Want To Rule The World. $2.99.

With the announcement of Civilization 7 having dropped during Summer Game Fest and the teaser of a real first look in August, this very much feels like Firaxis Games trying to cash in their chips on the current edition one last time before the hype begins. With that being said, Civilization is a classic series, one that I’ve played for nearly 30 years. You just can’t help but see the appeal of the selling point: Start in 4000 BC with a society of your choice, and shepherd it for 6,000+ years through all of known human history, even beyond.

civilization 6 culture victory

It's nearly a decade old, but the game got constant updates, both paid and unpaid.

The base game is a whopping amount of content at just $2.99, but the real sell is that the two major expansions - Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm - are just about $5 each, adding in things such as timeline achievements, environmental/climate effects, and future technologies... not to mention many new leaders and civilizations to try. For just $14.76 you can buy the Platinum Edition, which adds in even more small DLCs for incredibly cheap… just keep in mind the newer DLC packs aren’t quite as discounted as the older ones and aren’t as essential as the first two expansions.

Total War: Shogun 2 - Feudal Clans, Samurais, Shameful Displays. $2.99.

Most people these days know Total War through its absolutely massive Warhammer: Total War trilogy, a game burgeoning with undead, pirates, dragons, and more. However, people who have enjoyed Creative Assembly’s work for years remember their masterpieces of trying to bring historical battles to life in a host of settings. For me, my start with Total War was with Shogun 2.

It originally came out in 2012, but it holds up. I wasn’t good enough or patient enough with the genre to beat it years ago, but coming back to it last year brought me a lot of joy. There’s something special about getting immersed into a setting, and as you carefully navigate your gambit to become the Shogun of 16th century Japan, I found myself really wanting to learn about the various clans, and how disruptive the arrival of matchlock rifles really were to Japan.

The base game is $2.99, but you can get this amazing collection for $12.33 which adds in the two major DLCs for the game, Rise of the Samurai and Fall of the Samurai, each essentially being their own game with different units, buildings, and game win conditions, set in totally different centuries. Just… if you are new to Total War games, be prepared to hear this a lot.

XCom 2 - Saving Humanity From Aliens, One Tense Mission At A Time. $2.99.

Probably one of my favorite games of all time. I’ve always loved turn based strategy games, and the reimagining of the Xcom franchise that started in 2012 took the genre and injected a sense of danger and action into it using great graphics, over-the-shoulder slow motion shots, and letting you name and build your entire crew. It’s known for being both being unforgiving when a mission goes wrong and incredibly rewarding when you finally pull off victory. If you want an experience like no other, give Ironman mode a try.

XCOM 2 Grenadier

Insert joke about missing 99% percent hit chance shots here.

The base game is $2.99 and it’s almost obscene to me its this cheap. To add icing to the cake, I can’t believe that War of the Chosen, the expansion content that essentially turns Xcom 2 into a new game with all the new character classes and enemies added, is only $2.79. A lot deals on older games are a way to get you hooked and then buy all the newer DLC, but getting pretty much everything for under $6 dollars makes this probably one of the best deals on the list.

Pyre/Transistor/Bastion - A Supergiant Extravaganza. $2.99 or $3.99 each.

You might only know Supergiant Games due to their hit roguelike, Hades, but this smaller studio has produced amazing games since 2011. When I had a chance to try Bastion at PAX East 2011, a plucky action adventure game with one hell of a narrator, I had no idea just how much of a phenomenon the company would become. I don’t think the studio did either.


Bastion was their original title, and it was at the forefront of smaller studios breaking into the market. An isometric action-adventure game, Bastion set itself apart due to the amazing talent of Logan Cunningham as the narrator which gave a sense of gravitas to the whole story and Darren Korb’s eclectic way with composing music. It’s a great little game that is about 6 hours to beat, but there’s a lot more there if you look around, and absolutely worth $2.99.

Transistor was more experimental, taking Supergiant’s art style and shifting it into a cyberpunk world that’s in the middle of unraveling. It’s an action/adventure game, but there’s a bit more of an RPG element, letting you pause the game to trigger skill effects. It also made me cry. It’s only $2.99 as well, and lasts around 6 hours for a first playthrough.

Finally, you have the strangest of Supergiant’s line up, Pyre. It’s gameplay is… religious NBA Jam, with a massive dose of visual novel elements and tough decisions to string the whole story together. I promise you it comes together into something uniquely special. Also, if Transistor can make you cry, Pyre has a few changes to make you absolutely sob. Also, if you are a nerd like myself and love seeing how games are crafted, this amazing video by People Make Games showcases how Hades could have never been made without Pyre having been made first. It’s a bit longer at 10-11 hours for a single playthrough, and is currently $3.99.

Disco Elysium - The Isometric RPG With More Social Commentary Than Combat. $3.99.

This isometric RPG is probably one of the strangest games on this list, but it struck a chord with many during COVID. Waking up as a hungover detective in a world filled with strange characters, you can die during your first few dialogue options, attempt to fornicate with another hotel guest (badly), or become terrified at your own appearance. It’s a wild, wild game.

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Did I mention your character stats talk to you?

This game won multiple awards when it came out in 2019, despite being so off the wall and unique, prioritizing dialogue and inner turmoil over actual combat. It’s a very strange title, and I fully admit you have to be in the right mood for it. It’s usually $40 which can be a lot for something you aren’t sure of, but at just $3.99, it’s worth buying and trying out, even if it isn’t your cup of tea.

The Dragon Age Series - A Rocky RPG Road. $2.99 for #1 and #2, $3.99 for #3.

Hoo boy, this recommendation is opening up a can of worms. People have feelings about this series, especially during its twists and turns of development. There’s a very, very good chance that if you like RPGs and story, you’ll love at least one game, and there’s a very good chance you’ll not like another one. Still, I wanted to keep all three here as people prepare for Dragon Age: Veilguard, and I know a few who want to know what came before.

Dragon Age: Origins was a phenomenal game back from 2009 that was an attempt to modernize classic computer RPGs such as Baldur’s Gate 1&2. It brought the camera more over the shoulder, had great graphics for the time, and added more action into the ‘real time with pause’ style. I played the hell out of this game and loved it, but this is a game from 2009 originally, and a more modern take on the Baldur’s Gate series has, well… now been done thanks to Baldur’s Gate 3 and many other games since. Loved the story of the grey wardens however.

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Dragon Age 2 is a game that’s shrouded in whispers, the groans of thousands of gamers shaking their fist at Electronic Arts being heard for miles if you intone it’s name. It originally came out in 2011, was notoriously rushed, and changed to becoming a much more linear and action-RPG experience. Some fans of the series still enjoy the entry for its story and main quests, but re-used dungeons and the like can really put you out.

Finally, Dragon Age: Inquisition. This third title in the series came out in 2014, and you can see its influence into modern rpgs. It coming out the same year as Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition probably didn’t help either, as many people leapt from tabletop to virtual gaming and back again from these two titles. This game is massive, essentially being a single player MMO in terms of scale. Just... remember the meme to get out of the Hinterlands if you do play it. If you like the companions of Baldur’s Gate 3 or the Mass Effect series, you’ll find a lot to love here. The third game is a polished experience that had a huge impact for years to come, and it can still hold up now.

Now, for putting a large asterisk on this whole entry: in order to play any of these games, you will need to use the EA App. You’ll see some bad reviews for these games, but they mostly all stem from frustration with EA’s business practices and not updating some of the games to work well on all computers (especially the first two). I still felt like I should recommend these as the discounts are massive, and if you wanted a chance to delve into the history of the series, now would be the time. Adjacently, the ENTIRE Mass Effect Trilogy is on sale for just $5.99 as part of the legendary edition, but I include it here since it’s ‘technically’ listed as more than $5, even though it’s three games in one.

Darkest Dungeon - Overconfidence Is A Slow And Insidious Killer. $3.74.

After that last convoluted section, this one is incredibly straight forward. Are you a masochist? . Unrepentantly difficult, it was a game made by 6 people and took advantage of both Kickstarter and Steam’s Early Access program to keep getting more traction. Following in the trend of Bastion, one of Darkest Dungeon’s most iconic elements is Wayne June’s narration of your party’s successes… and failures.

Darkest Dungeon Pain

You will lose party members. You will occasionally lose. It's all about getting back up again.

This is a side-scrolling turn-based dungeon crawl, meant to force you into rough situations. Do you back out of a dungeon early to save a character, or risk permanent deaths in order to secure a win? The game can brutally kill off an entire party, but Darkest Dungeon shines best when you think of yourself as the manager of all the mercenaries, helping rebuild the town so your next team of recruits might have a better shot. It’s only $3.74, but you can get absolutely all the DLC content that came out for this game (including mosquito vampires) for just under $10.

If you aren’t afraid for a little bit of pain, it’s definitely worth a shot. I still think of this old Kotaku review that talks about the dramatic ups and downs you can feel as you play.

Wolfenstein: The New Order - When Developers Lean Into Punching Nazis. $4.99.

In an attempt to get all genres included in this, I found myself finding Wolfenstein: The New Order and remembering just how much of a surprise this game was when I first played it. Yes, it is a re-imagining of the classic FPS all about killing Hitler, but this 21st century refresh didn’t have to go so absolutely hard into theme and story to make something memorable.

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There is a lot of intimidating and gruesome imagery in this game, but it all lands home even stronger thanks to the emotional pauses you get in the story.

Alan Wake - The Relatable Problems Of A Writer Going Mad. $3.74.

Long before I discovered Bricky’s wonderful video series about the Remedy-Verse (Sam Lake, you hack!), I played the original Alan Wake with a bunch of friends and was absolutely disarmed with how strange it was. It was a third person over-the-shoulder shooter like Resident Evil 4 and other contemporaries, but leaned heavily into the weirdness of its own narrative and building a unique world. I haven’t returned to the game since I beat it back in 2010, but I remember the play through incredibly fondly. It felt right to put it on this list right as Alan Wake 2 recently won a bunch of awards and announced new story content.

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For only $3.74, this is a great purchase if you don’t mind rough edges. It’s about a 10 hour story, and bounces between action set pieces and lots of story exposition as a writer who travels to the middle of nowhere to solve his writer’s block starts realizing something is very, very wrong with reality. This merging of a psychological thriller and an action game is odd, but if you liked the second game in the series (or Control), you might enjoy coming back and seeing where it started.

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - For When You Want An Amazing Open World Experience. $3.99.

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is still considered by many to be the bar which all open world games should aspire to. Set in a rich world established by The Witcher novel series, the developers managed to create a world you love to explore thanks to stuffing it with Polish folklore inspired monsters, great music, and lots of quest missions that actually leave you enraptured with where the plot might be going.

This is an action-RPG that took its time being made and made sure even side quests could feel fulfilling. People say it can take over 150 hours to beat the game and see most of the content, especially when you add in the expansions. It’s only $3.99, which feels almost criminal as a price since they just updated the graphics for modern systems, and you can get absolutely every bit of content for the game with the Complete Edition for $12.49.

Part Two: The Indie-ish Games You Should Give A Shot

You might have heard of these games, or you might not. Some are a little older and have been forgotten about, while others are unique takes on beloved genres.

If you are looking for a good deal on games and are purchasing one of the more classic games up above, I implore you to take a look through the list below as well. Get a little outside your comfort zone, try a game style you never have before, or find a new cheap game that’s going to be a blast to play multiplayer for a few weekends.

Celeste - For When You Want To Challenge Your Reflexes And Feel Inspired. $1.99.

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I felt unsure about adding this game as I have not personally played Celeste, since platformers terrify me. However, I have many friends who rave about this game, and I watched our writer Eric beat it during one of our charity streams and really enjoyed the experience. Despite the harrowing look of some of the levels, I haven’t yet run into someone who didn’t like the game after playing.

This game is considered to be the platformer for getting into the genre of challenging platformers, forcing you to learn timing and patience as you find ways to get Madeline to the top of Mt. Celeste as a way to deal with her inner demons. It’s only $1.99 right now, so if you needed an excuse to try, here it is.

Graveyard Keeper - For When You Want Gallows Humor With Your Stardew Valley. $3.99.

When you’ve played Stardew Valley or Harvest Moon, have you ever just wished you could have some of your supplies brought across the map for you, save a trip? Well, thanks to necromancy, now you can in Graveyard Keeper! Make wine to bribe nobles with, set up a hotdog stand with questionable meat sources, and of course, maintain a graveyard.

graveyard keeper burning

Be prepared for... making very interesting friends as you try and solve your personal mystery.

This is a strange game, with your protagonist apparently teleported to this strange role of maintaining a graveyard and church. I’ll say that there’s more of a ‘campaign’ in this one than Stardew Valley, as you slowly work towards trying to discover what happened and how to eventually leave. Its a lot of the same daily tasks you can find in the ‘cozy’ genre, but with a ghoulish theme that the devs liked to play around with.

It’s a bit harder than Stardew Valley as it doesn’t quite hold your hand, but for some players out there, this could be a fun riff on the cozy genre while still feeling familiar. The game is only $3.99 right now, and each of its 3 expansions is only $1.99 more.

Friends Vs. Friends - Laughing While Shooting Your Friends. $2.49.

I really hope this game sells well during the sale for a few reasons. The first is the most obvious: this game is simply fun. It’s a 1v1 or a 2v2 FPS on tiny maps where death is always just a few moments away, whether its from a subway train hitting you, stepping on explosives, or being nuked. The second reason is the creativity: what Friends vs. Friends brings to the table is being able to build a deck of cards to buff - or debuff - things on the battlefield. You can give the opponents Big Head mode like you were playing Goldeneye decades ago, speed up your movement, or suddenly just have a katana that can dice up your foes.

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Yes, that is you with a deck of cards, leaping between two trucks while shooting at your friend. While they are on fire. This is normal in this game.

The third reason is a feeling of justice: while watching the Summer Games Fest, I saw a game coming out later this year Fragpunk, which looks to be a free-to-play 5v5 shooter that just steals the card use mechanic wholesale from this super indie game. I hope these devs get their due for making something so interesting. Reason four: I have had to stop playing this game because I was laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe. If you get the ‘nuke’ card and are playing with friends, try having everyone use their nukes at the same time. Trust me.

It’s only $2.49 right now, and all the paid DLC at the moment is just for cosmetics to support the devs. If you have three friends to buy this game with, do it. Even if you only play it a week or two, it’s absolutely worth the hilarious combos that can happen.

Streets of Rogue - For When You Want Save AND Destroy The City. $3.99.

This is one of those games that has no right to be as good as it is. It’s an incredibly simple premise: you (and some friends, as you can play 4 player co-op) pick a protagonist and are dropped off in a sprawling city environment. Your goal is to complete enough objectives to unlock the elevator to the next ‘floor’ of the city, until you finally beat the game and become the new mayor.

streets of rogue character select

The spice of the game comes from the variety. You can absolutely a gun-toting soldier who just opens fire to get what he wants, or you can play a character that tranquilizes foes, completing quests and keeping the NPCs happy as they complete missions. Hell, you can play as a gorilla who smashes through walls to free other monkeys. They aren’t allowed to use firearms and can’t talk to humans but… who cares? Fight back against the scientists!

This game is very silly, and is a really bizarre take on the roguelike genre, taking inspiration from classics like Nuclear Throne and creating something unique. If you play multiplayer, prepare for utter chaos as someone tries to stealth feed sleeping gas into a vent system to get a chest while someone else accidentally turns into a giant and runs through 4 buildings elsewhere.

It’s only $3.99 right now, so now is the time to get it before Streets of Rogue 2 drops on August 14th this year.

Dungeon Defenders - Tower Defense Writ Large. $2.99.

I have a lot of fond memories of this game. It’s a tower defense game from 2011 that has you playing an action RPG. You set up lots of towers, upgrade them, set up barriers, and then hack them down with your actual character as more and more and MORE enemies show up. If you are familiar with Orcs Must Die, you’ll get the concept here.

The selling point for this game is a little odd, because it’s older, and a little slower in the moment-to-moment action than other tower defense games these days. However, what you get with this game is just a lot of content. There are four base characters to level up, then a bunch of others they added as DLC or as time went on. While you might feel a little bored during early missions or waves, later levels have hundreds or thousands of foes being churned out at you at once.

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This is a game where you just enjoy seeing how many enemies you can see on the screen at once and still win. Better with friends than alone.

For $2.99, its a great ‘sit back and chill’ game, when you want to feel heroic and fight things, but maybe don’t want to play a twitchy FPS or incredibly thinky game. I put too many hours into this with a friend or two years ago. You can even get a 4-pack of the game for just $8.99 right now, or get absolutely all the content at once for just $10.

Enter the Gungeon - What If A Roguelike Liked Guns Even More? $4.49.

It’s a Devolver Digital title, so you know its going to play the game concept to the hilt. All the enemies are bullets, everything wants to kill you, and the weapons you can find rival Borderlands in what they are capable of. Try and fight through the dungeon (sorry, gungeon), defeat massive bosses, and revel in the chaos.

If you liked Binding of Isaac or Nuclear Throne, this game takes the dungeon crawl and bullet hell parts of those games and ramps them up to 11. I never beat it, but I loved my time trying to get as deep as I could go. For $4.49, it's a great price, I just hope your twitch reflexes are ready.

The Banner Saga Trilogy - A True Artistic Epic. $4.99 each.

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A full year before Life Is Strange caught fire for leaning into player choice, The Banner Saga released its first game in January 2014. Made with hand-drawn art, you lead up to 25 playable characters on a journey to save their own lives, and perhaps their entire civilization. Gameplay is split between harrowing turn-based battles on a grid, and difficult choices managing your caravan as you try and journey to safety.

It’s a brutal game in its own way. I’ve lost characters to dialogue choices, or realized to my horror that previous decisions meant people were starving hours later. Each game in the trilogy is about ten hours long, and your save file transfers. As the first game wraps up with a climactic finish, there are still more mysteries to be discovered… and different ways you can play through the game so different characters survive.

Every Banner Saga game is only $4.99 right now. Each of them had been released two years apart, ending in 2018 with a sense of finality that can only come from a trilogy that’s so closely woven together. If you like good story telling, Norse-themed mythology, or just want another interesting take on strategic turn based combat, try the first one, or pick it all up at once.

The Shadowrun Trilogy - Time For Some Cyberpunk, Chummer. $3.74-$4.99 each.

Time for another trilogy, but this one is a bit more pick-and-choose. Based on Shadowrun the ttrpg, this trilogy takes place all in 2054, in a world that is stuffed with both technology and magic. A series of cataclysms revealed dragons, dramatically changed the landscape of the world, and transformed people into elves, dwarves, trolls and orcs. There’s a lot going on, and a lot of different archetypes and tropes for any player to leap onto.

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The combat is based on turn-based strategy RPGs, and different character classes do feel like they offer different things to the game.

Unlike the previous trilogies listed here, all three games are separate, with the first taking place in Seattle, the second in Berlin, and the third in Hong Kong. The overall result means these feel like three different ttrpg campaigns and let you explore the setting itself, which is one of the huge draws of Shadowrun in general. With the difficulty of the ttrpg rules and the rarity of getting a full group together to play, these games are a welcome choice to explore the universe.

The games all released within three years of each other, with one of the major differences being that Shadowrun Returns, the first game, is roughly about 10-12+ hours long, with Dragonfall and Hong Kong being more around 20+ hours. The first game is perfectly fine, but is a much more streamlined-to-the-end experience, with later games introducing more interesting side characters into your party. You can buy them individually or buy the whole trilogy at once for $9.97.

If you like Baldur’s Gate or other cRPGs, definitely give at least one of these a shot. I loved Dragonfall particularly.

Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales - A Unique Way To Flesh Out The Witcher Universe. $3.99.

The fact that this game isn’t better known is an absolute tragedy. The amount of memes about Witcher 3 players entirely forgetting about the main plot to go play Gwent, the card-game-within-a-video-game for the Witcher series, can be found everywhere. In Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales, all combat and conflict is transformed into Gwent. Make no mistake however, this isn’t just a card game, but a story about a kingdom in peril.


Taking place years before the events of Witcher 3, you play as Meve, queen of northern realms that are suddenly under assault by Nilfgaard. It’s up to you to find a way to stop their march northward, and you do so by exploring maps, finding resources to build up a war camp, improving your ‘deck’ of soldiers, and then defeating the bosses of various locations.

It’s a wonderful package, and there’s nothing quite like it out there. If you liked playing Gwent, or just like card games in general, pick this up. There’s 30 hours or more of gameplay here, and its currently $3.99.

Dungeon of the Endless - For When You Want Something One Of A Kind. $2.99.

Full disclosure: I absolutely love this game, and I entirely acknowledge that this game isn’t for everyone. Set in the Endless universe of Endless Legend and Endless Space, you are a small group of survivors from a crashed ship who land in the depths of a massive aging bio-lab facility on Auriga. You have to escape to the surface, using your escape pod’s power core to power the elevators and doors to get out.

What kind of game is it? Well…

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Yep, that sums it up nicely.

…It’s a roguelike, but one that’s part dungeon crawler, tower defense, and action RPG. There’s nothing quite like it. I love the moody slightly digitized music, the aesthetic, the references to the overall universe itself. In motion, the pixel art comes to life really nicely. The game can get incredibly hard in its final floors, a perfect run of over an hour suddenly dissolving as you open the wrong door at the wrong moment, and suddenly the turrets you set up are overrun.

If you want to try something different and are more than willing to be patient, give this game a shot. You can play multiplayer as well, and I have fond memories of staying up way too late with a friend, trying hard to finally make it to the end.

Shapez: For When You Want To Unleash Your Inner Industrialist. $1.99.

Finally, rounding out this list and all the genres I’ve already included, let's talk about Shapez. This is an automation game, a genre I only recently found myself obsessed with (I blame becoming a dad). If you’ve ever played Factorio or Satisfactory, this is a game for you. If you’ve ever wanted to try Factorio or Satisfactory and felt intimidated, this might be a good starting point.

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The automation genre is really polarizing. Either you see something like this and get really amped about optimizing it, or your brain feels like its about to melt out of your ears.

You’ll know if this game is for you just by looking at the trailer. It’s a minimalist game that boils down this genre to its simplest, and it will either bore you or absolutely pull you in with an addictive cycle of wanting to make just one more production line, one more resource, one more improvement to efficiency. It’s just $1.99, and just take a look at how the game hovers at 95% positive reviews.

Satisfy Your Inner Window Shopper Without Breaking The Bank

There you have it, 30 games from all different style of developers and genres. I’m hoping at least one game here is something you might enjoy, whether its a style you are already familiar with or a chance to try something entirely new to your tastes.

Please note, in no way is this a comprehensive list. There are a lot of amazing games in the ‘$5 or under’ category right now, these are just the ones I have good familiarity with. Also, in case you get to this article late, many of the games listed here go on major discount often during the summer, fall, and winter sales, so buy what you want, wishlist what you like, and I hope you have a good time gaming with a new game of your choice.

Remember the sale ends at 1pm EST on July 11th. Happy bargain hunting everyone!

Wyatt Krause

Editor-in-chief, Co-founder